Winner LUX Magazine Awards 2022 – Best Authentic Biltong Provider – Surrey

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Boerewors, (pronounced [ˈbuːrəˌvɔrs]) is a type of sausage which
originated in South Africa. It is an important part of South African,
Zimbabwean, Zambian, Botswana and Namibian cuisine and is popular across
Southern Africa. The name is derived from the Afrikaans words boer
(literally, a farmer) and wors (“sausage”).
Costs are £13/KG and you can get the boerewors in 500G rolls or we can cut it into 10 slices at approx 1.2KG so you know what your food control is for events. We can supply you with the Boerewors directly, or we can do the catering events for you with our catering company
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